- 生成getter/setter不是多么困难的事情,IDE很简单就能帮你搞定
- 我不喜欢为自己的IDE装一大堆插件,还要为项目手动开启一下Annotation Processing
- 代码不可见,意味着生成的getters/setter方法,以及@AllArgConstructor生成的方法无法维护
> OK, let me put it one more time: this has caused me too many bugs. Let me tell > you my past experiences with Lombok, as this is the root of the issue. > > On one project, a new version of the Lombok plugin caused the IDE to > crash (I think this was Intellij). So nobody could work anymore. On > another project, Lombok made the CI server crash (and would have > probably caused the production server to crash), as it triggered a bug > in the JVM On a third project, we achieved 30% performance increase by > recoding the equals/hashcode from Lombok > -> In those 3 projects, some developer gained 5 minutes, and I spent hours recoding everything. So yes, a bad experience. > > Then, for JHipster, the story is also that we can't ask people to > install a plugin on their IDE: > > 1st goal is to have a smooth experience: you generate the app and it > works in your IDE, by default 2nd goal is that you can use whatever > IDE you want. And some people have very exotic things, for example I > just tried https://codenvy.com/ -> no plugin for this one, of course > > Oh, and I just got 2 more: > > Lombok crashing with MapStruct Lombok making Jacoco fails, which meant > the project didn't pass the Sonar quality gate