Yjs varint encoding
y-protocol defines protocol that is used when exchanging data between yjs clients[1].
Yjs uses varint to encode content, which is similar in protobuf. Yjs encodes unsigned integer within range of 0-2^53-1, which is the max number supported by javascript[2].
-> 0xc0 | 0xc4 | 0x07
The first bit indicates that whether there's a continuous byte, if it's 0, then the number is finished.
In short, the protocol defines the following methods:
varByteArray(buffer) := varUint(length(buffer)) • buffer
varString(string) := varByteArray(utf8(string))
json(object) := varString(JSON.stringify(object))
Online tool to calculate varUint encoding: https://bluecrewforensics.com/varint-converter/